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Gunz Aiming Guide

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Gunz Aiming Guide Empty Gunz Aiming Guide

Post by Bollox Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:19 pm

GunZ Aiming Guide

- Written by Tsuteto

Yeah, aiming. What some people have troubles with, others that are good with it.

So, me and Haydn did a little test thing awhile ago, where we would just walk back and forth, aim at each other with Revolvers, and fire until empty. Once that was done, we'd go hide, and tell how many times the other person hit. One round, I had hit him twice, yet didn't see the counter. Another round, I had seen the hit counter three times, yet I didn't hit at all. So, these are my conclusions:

Your Hit Counter

Don't trust this completely. It can be good if the person is standing still, or even moving towards/away from you. However, side to side, up and down, the likes, it's not to be trusted. It's like your parents telling you about Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny, etc etc etc.

Know Your Range

No, I'm not talking about distance. The range in which your weapon fires. Go buy the level 0 pistol. Use the first crosshair (Type 1). Yeah, I know, it's huge and bulky and what not. Just use it for now. Now, fire and hold the mouse button. Notice how the zone is increased in size? That's the range in which the bullets will now hit. In other words, the faster you fire, the less accurate you will be.

So how do we fix this problem? Simple. Fire, wait a second, and it'll go down. If you ever play with me (Tsuteto), you'll always notice that my Revolvers don't fire fast. Why? Because then I'm inaccurate. I typically fire, wait for just under a second, but not less than half a second, and then fire again. That ensures my accuracy to hit you. However, this doesn't solve everything.

The Ping

Everyone's got it. Some are low, some are high. Basically put though, depending on how much they have, depends on how much you'll need to lead the person. The best way to practice this is to go into a game that is somewhere in the low levels of people (one's who just begun), and fire at the ones that roll around. My estimate is that for every 50 ping, you'll need to fire about one head equivalent to that of your opponent's body. So, if they have 100 ping, fire two heads forward. 150 ping, fire three heads forward. For 200 ping, I'd recommend more of about five heads forward. If you're playing with someone who has 250 ping and up, then you're a moron... or the-people-who-voted-'No'-because-they-were-on-their-team is.

What else?

That's about it. Probably the only other tip I can give you is that with every gun you buy, go back and find the range in which the weapon shoots. Also, the second crosshair (Type 2) can also be good, because when you target someone, it'll go from red to white, which is a lot easier to recognize than the red name, in my opinion. Start out with rifles, and then go onto using pistols. Rocket Launchers, Shotguns, SMGs, and Machine Guns are pointless for this exercise, seeing as they are either too inaccurate, or they have an area damage effect.

Note: This guide is an ongoing project, and will be receiving updating as they become available.


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